
‘Hope', this word is a very important and meaningful in your life’s dictionary A state of mind, you all should contain in you either you are weak, normal, or extraordinary. ‘Hope', it is a song without any words, leads you to work Whatever the path is hard or difficult, it leads you to walk. ‘Hope', it is an expectation with confidence, to cherish a desire with anticipation; A positive thought and psychology, that will provide you inspiration. There is hope among the chaos, promise among the problems So don’t lose your hope, and don’t become as a failure who blames. Become your own companion, learn how to believe yourself You don’t have to depend upon anyone, you only need your self help. Feel yourself what do you want, don’t fear of any kind of your work Don’t forget, before the dawn arises, the night becomes deeply dark. Some foolish guys, losing their hope, find a way to Commit suicide This is your one and only life, g...