O My Hopeful Soul

I Ali Truth is bitter, truth is tough, truth is painful, But it never betrays, never makes one a fool. Life is very mysterious, changes its color in every stage Life is lived by those who are always ready for the change. You are looking for a gain, but fail everyday O my soul, without a goal, you can't find a way. O my soul, why are you so sad You will have great future going ahead. O my soul, what you afraid of? It's my own life and I have to develop. O my soul, you are not alone and not new, There is always someone, silently cares for you. Your path is tough, don't fall in illusion Every single step is a test, be careful with attention. Patience is bitter, but it's fruit is sweet Honesty and hardwork are the only things, you do need. O my soul, you have hope and the power You can overcome easily, in your darkest hour. Your goal is so far away, long is your path You have to continue to walk, looking ahead. Th...