
Maybe don't believe but it's real. In a matter of moments, people's lives can be turned upside down. People's thoughts can be reversed in the moment of judgment. Emotional consciousness can change in a few moments and take on new forms. How much it will change now depends on the surrounding nature and conditions. This change can be both good and bad. Everyone has probably heard of thieves, robbers, murderers, traitors, oppressors, such professional people. This story is about a man named Alim, who was a robber, oppressor and murderer. He did not even bother to kill his own father. Looting of innocent people, oppression of women and killing were his daily occupations. He may have passed a century in the murder. Of course, he is not alone, his partner Limon was always with him. This is how he spent his early thirty years. Thus, on a lonely night, he attacked a house owned by Rauf....